Video's about Corrie ten Boom


After her release from the concentration camp Corrie travelled all around the world to tell everyone that "there is no pit so deep that God's love is not deeper still" and that "God will give us the love to be able to forgive our enemies." Watch videos in which Corrie herself tells about this message or in which stories and objects from the museum are highlighted.

  • Choose a subject
  • faith confidence
  • encouragement
  • bouncing ball
  • the hiding place
  • worries
  • new creation
  • suitcase
  • embroidery
  • Choose a series
  • objects

Bouncing ball

After the Second World War Corrie ten Boom travelled all over the world to tell people about God's love, forgiveness and His care in difficult circumstances. Corrie often used simple, appealing..


The Hiding Place – Psalm 91:1

“He who dwells in the shadow of teh Most High will rest in the shadow of the of the Almighty”.How is it possible do dwell and feel safe and at home, even in the darkest and most unsafe..


A suitcase filled with worries – Philippians 4:6

Worrying is carrying tomorrow's load with today's strength. Worrying doesn't empty tomorrow of its sorrow, It empties today of its's strength.Corrie did illustrate this truth with the example of the..


My life is but a weaving; embroidery Corrie

Every embroidery has two sides. One side shows the finished picture. On the other side you can see all the threads chaotically intermixed. Corrie ten Boom used her own embroidery to illustrate that..

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