how you can help

How you can help

The tour guides - who are all volunteers - tell the message of forgiveness, reconciliation, and trust in God. Since 1988, many thousands of people have been encouraged by this message and their visit to the Corrie ten Boom Museum. It was Corrie's own wish that her parental home would be opened to the public so that visitors can experience a moment of peace an quiet. But also that they could listen to the message of God's great love for all mankind and of His plans for this world and His people of Israel.

prayer and financial support

You can contribute to this special work by supporting the activities of the Corrie ten Boom House Foundation with your prayer. Prayer is the mainstay of the work. In addition, you can also give financial support. The Foundation is entirely depended on donations and revenues from the sale of books, DVDs and other items, and rent from the shop space.

The projects you can support

  1. Preserving, maintaining, and developing the Corrie ten Boom Museum in the ten Boom Family home at 19 Barteljorisstraat, Haarlem, the Netherlands
  2. Educational programs for schools in the Netherlands and abroad
  3. Ministry outreach in Spain and Latin America (minimum necessary amount for the entire projects: € 50.000,-)
  4. Ministry outreach in IsraEl (animation DVD in Hebrew and Arabic - minimum necessary for this project: € 40.000,-)

You can transfer your donation to the bank account of the Corrie ten Boom House Foundation.
Here are our bank details:
Name: Corrie ten Boom House Foundation
Address: 19 Barteljorisstraat, 2011 RA Haarlem, The Netherlands
IBAN: NL90 INGB 0000 5959 20

The Foundation is registered as a Public Benefit Organization. Therefore, your donations may be deductible for tax purposes, depending on your country's legislation. If you have any questions regarding the foundation's projects, please contact Frits Nieuwstraten, director of the Foundation, at

For donors in the USA

Donations to the Corrie ten Boom House Foundation in Haarlem, the Netherlands, can be made to our USA foundation: Corrie ten Boom Fellowship (this is the name to put on the check). The Corrie ten Boom Fellowship is a non profit 501 (c) (3) charitable organization and is registered with the IRS, Fed Tax ID # 75-2671293.

All donations to CTBF are tax deductible as allowed by law.
Address: Corrie ten Boom Fellowship, PO Box 2001, Colleyville, TX 76034
On the memo line of the check please write: Corrie ten Boom House Foundation, Haarlem