

With your donation, you keep the family home of Corrie ten Boom open to the public for free as a weapon against antisemitism and racism. The aim of the Foundation is to tell visitors that ‘no pit so deep or God’s love is deeper’.

The Corrie ten Boom House has developed a special educational program for kids – called Corrie4kids (teens) – which has already been used by more than hundreds of schools. Please support us with your special donation for:

  1. Our school program Corrie4kids (teens)
  2. Evangelisation in Israel with books and a special animation movie about the life of Corrie in the Hebrew language
  3. Support the Holocaust survivors in Israël and Ukraïne
  4. Evangelisation on schools in Latin America and Eastern Europe with the special Corrie4kids magazine and animation movie (dubbed and/or subtitled in the local languages)
  5. To keep Corrie’s family home – in which the museum is located – in good condition and to keep open the museum bookshop with books and movies of Corrie in all languages.


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